Matt Bacak has just created a new training course, Buy Now – Hooks, Triggers and Buying Trances, to show you how to use sales psychology to improve your earnings.

This training is actually a recorded conversation with Jo Han Mok, in which they discuss the psychology of online persuasion.

In this conversation, Bacak and Mok shared ideas that most marketers don’t use and, as a result, limit their income. Use all these ideas and your online income will have a chance for upward escalation.

Since this collection of persuasion tips comes from their own experience, you will find ideas you have never tried, even ideas that you have never heard before.

This private Skype conversation reveals Mok’s personal techniques for persuading people to buy, his ideas for crafting irresistible offers that will appeal to your readers and convert their interest into sales for you.

Along with the training, you are also getting a “swipe file” containing actual words and phrases Mok uses in his own marketing to create an almost trance-like experience for his readers so that they get into the buying mood.

The price is rising (it’s a dime sale) so don’t wait; get your own copy here: Buy Now – Hooks, Triggers and Buying Trances.

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