The latest ‘SEO Book’ blog post is titled “Please Remove My Link. Or Else”.

Peterd says, “Getting links removed is a tedious business.

It’s just as tedious for the site owner who must remove the links. Google’s annoying practice of “suggesting” webmasters jump through hoops in order to physically remove links that the webmaster suspects are bad, rather than Google simply ignoring the links that they’ve internally flagged, is causing frustration.

Is it a punitive punishment? If so, it’s doing nothing to endear Google to webmasters. Is it a smokescreen? i.e. they don’t know which links are bad, but by having webmasters declare them, this helps Google build up a more comprehensive database? Bit of both? It might also be adding costs to SEO in order to put SEO out of reach of small companies. Perhaps it’s a red herring to make people think links are more important than they actually are”.

Please Remove My Link. Or Else

‘SEO Book’ Blog

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