The long wait is over. Video Jeet launches today at 11 AM EDT. (Go a few minutes early, if you can, to get a special early-bird discount.)

Software developer, Gyril Gupta, has created this new Windows software for any online marketer who wants to improve their video results.

Video Jeet is a clever software tool that combines Video with Blogging and SEO plus social media is a way that has never been done before.

It supports blogs on both Blogger (the free blogging platform sponsored by Google) and WordPress. Gupta included Blogger in his design since you can create as many blogs on Blogger as you choose. And Google doesn’t charge you to do it; hosting is free.

This new Windows software can post videos to your blog automatically, if you like, or you can use it to manually find videos you would like to add to your blog and then it adds only those videos.

In testing, Gupta was able to generate a lot of traffic using 40 blogs that he created on Blogger.

Not only does create Blogger and WordPress content, it also posts automatically to Twitter and Facebook.

The rationale for this product is that videos are becoming ever more important to marketing success. Video Jeet is Windows desktop software that “curates” video content for any niche or keyword you choose.

You tell it the niche, and it will pull in the best videos for that niche.

Using this ability to find the top niche videos, you can:
• Create 100% automated video blogs for any niche or sub-niche
• Feed automated video content to your existing blogs
• Do video research to find the best videos to manually post to your blogs
• Create blog networks and automatically feed content to these blogs
• Put affiliate links in video posts, promoting offers and products
• Automatically post notices about your new blog posts to all your Facebook and Twitter accounts
• As a result of all this automation, you can get lots of free traffic from Google (organic traffic, not paid traffic) by ranking for keywords automatically.

So Video Jeet can give you free traffic and free video blogs (when you use Blogger). Plus you get extra viral traffic from Youtube and Twitter. Unfortunately, Gupta (and his partner, Todd Gross) decided to make it available for only 2 weeks and then withdraw it from the market.

You can see demonstration videos and get additionl information (plus get your own copy) while the sale lasts, here: Video Jeet.

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