When his blog was attacked by hackers, Matt Garrett decided to never let that happen again. So he developed BlogDefender software that keeps hackers away by sending a site into nearly invisible mode.

Once BlogDefender is through adjusting your site’s settings, botnets and hackers are thwarted when they try to find the cracks in your WordPress security. The cracks have been sealed.

By default, WordPress is very “chatty”. It tells a visitor many details about your installation, details that hackers can use to worm their way into your control center, where they can damage your site and damage your reputation.

Once your site has been hacked, there’s a chance you will never fully recover because:
• Hosting companies almost always suspend or close hacked accounts for breach of their terms and conditions of service
• Search engines will blacklist your site
• You will waste lots of time trying to overcome the bad effects of the hacking

In fact, 1 out of 4 hacked sites will never be recovered. It’s a terrible experience, one you will never want to repeat.

BlogDefender is written to correct many flaws in the default installation of WordPress, flaws that leave most sites vulnerable.

On the sales page, there’s a complete list of the corrections this software makes. It can take a site that is full of hackable security holes and turn it into a stronghold, so when hackers come visiting, they are stymied and move on to greener pastures.

If you haven’t already verified that your site is safe, there’s a link to a testing tool on the sales page, a 3rd-party tool that independently will verify your site’s security condition.

If your WordPress site needs better security, it may be time to get a copy of BlogDefender and repair the problems before a hacker takes advantage of them.

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