Marketers are using Facebook more and more, but many are seeing their Facebook ad dollars wasted. They are not getting the optins and click-throughs they need.

Chad Nicely and his partners, Karthik Ramani and Chris Jenkins were having the same problem. They poked around, trying this and that, looking for what was going wrong. Their mistake (and the mistake of many others) was that they sent their ad traffic to a squeeze page and almost no one had enough trust to opt in there.

So they changed their flow to send people to their blog instead. The visitor sees a post written to inform and interest them in the niche solutions they will eventually offer for sale. But this post made a big difference in the response. Once people read this helpful content, many of them were more willing to take the next step and opt in.

Once people are on the blog post page, Nicely uses his new WordPress plugin, FB Magic Bar, to move the people farther (and faster) in the sales process.

The plugin creates a menu bar at the top of the window, similar to the one Facebook uses. And it generates a notification beep (after a delay you specify). When the visitor click on the notification icon (again, similar to the one Facebook uses), they are redirected to the sales page (or optin page or any other page of your choice.)

You control the timing and other features of the notification, so customize it to your needs.

There are two licenses available, a single site license and an unlimited developer’s license. The price price is frozen until Midnight CDT, and then it will start to rise.

There’s an informative video showing the plugin in action. You can watch and then get your copy here: FB Magic Bar.

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