Jeremy Schoemaker’s latest blog post is titled “Why Google should put their money into better AdWords reps and not upsell reps”.

Schoemaker says, “Now, I’m not a newbie when it comes to pay per click advertising. I’ve been doing it for years on a variety of platforms, and have a pretty good instinct when it comes to what works and what doesn’t, and when I’m not sure, that’s what A/B testing is for.

That said, great AdWords reps are worth their weight in gold. If I know my AdWords rep is giving me get information, and is helping me improve my ROI, and not solely helping Google increase their money grab for me, I’m much more likely to go with what they are saying or suggesting I try”.

Why Google should put their money into better AdWords reps and not upsell reps

ShoeMoney Blog

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