Most business know that being found in search engine results is important, but they have no idea how to accomplish it. They are looking for experts to help them.

With the training and the tools in My Search Engine Business, you might be the expert they need.

This includes complete business training, both on the subject of SEO, such as how to build citations for your clients in important business directories, and on the business of finding and serving clients, such as:
• How to generate business
• How to close deals
• How to price your services
• And much more

You get 3 software tools to help you build your business:
1. Citation Radar: shows you where to build citations for your client so boost their rank
2. Citation Research: Shows you the citations the competitors of your client (or prospective client) have; that can be an eye-opener for your client and may be the data that gets you a contract
3. Citation Leads: For your own business, this finds the leads you need, businesses that need help with the SEO services you provide.

The training and tools you get in this package can quickly get you started in SEO, and chart your course for future business growth. Over time, you will want to add other services, but this is a good foundation.

You can see the whole story here: My Search Engine Business

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