Alex Sysoef says, “About 4 years ago my blog “Howto Spotter” went from visual page rank 5 to page rank 3. Google “Love” seem to have run out for me at that point”. [WordPress Howto Spotter Blog]

‘WordPress Howto Spotter’ latest blog post:

No Google ‘Love’ For Spotter Blog?

Alex Sysoef says, “About 4 years ago my blog “Howto Spotter” went from visual page rank 5 to page rank 3. Google “Love” seem to have run out for me at that point. And while it actually didn’t impact my traffic or ability to rank for keywords – it did kill my ability to sell advertising space on this blog and since than I was primarily using affiliate ads on my blog”.

No Google ‘Love’ For Spotter Blog?

WordPress Howto Spotter

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