Jimmy D. Brown has announced ‘Profit From PLR’, a 5-week E-class. In these sessions, Brown will teach the ways to make money using PLR. [‘Profit From PLR’ 5-Week E-Class]

Jimmy D. Brown has announced ‘Profit From PLR’, a 5-week E-class. In these sessions, Brown will teach the ways to make money using PLR.

Brown says, “Here’s what you receive each week

  • Premium Training Curriculum in downloadable PDF format. Each week you will receive a “premium” training manual (specific details below) teaching you how to take PLR content and put it to work producing orders.
  • MP3 audio version of the curriculum. You will also receive a professionally recorded audio version of each week’s lesson in downloadable MP3 format.
  • Professionally Designed visual process maps.
  • Accessory Checklists and Worksheets. Every week’s lesson also includes a custom-tailored accessory that was developed specifically for that week’s teaching.
  • Extra Enhancement Supplemental Materials. In addition, each week you’ll receive a short supplement to aid you in completing that week’s action steps.
  • Personalized (One-On-One) Q&A Coaching Session With Me. You will have the opportunity to interact with me on a limited basis”.

Jimmy D. Brown’s ‘Profit From PLR’ 5-Week E-Class

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