Perry Marshall is holding the ‘Elite Master’s Summit – Maui 2011’ on March 14-16, 2011. Key speakers at this summit include Brad Geddes, Don Crowther, Shelley Ellis, Richard Stokes, Mike Colella and Mister X. [Elite Master’s Summit – Maui 2011]

Perry Marshall is holding the ‘Elite Master’s Summit – Maui 2011’ on March 14-16, 2011.

The ‘Elite Master’s Summit – Maui 2011’ sales letter title:

“In March 2010, 100 of the Smartest Pay Per Click Jockeys in the World – Gathered in Maui, Hawaii for the Most-Advanced Summit in the History of Search Engine Marketing”

Key speakers at this summit include Brad Geddes, Don Crowther, Shelley Ellis, Richard Stokes, Mike Colella and Mister X.

Perry says, “You Have to Prove You’re Spending $5,000 monthly on Advertising to be Admitted. If You are, This Event Will be Worth at Least $50,000 to Your Bottom Line

I’m assuming you’ve devoured my books and that you’re already in the top 3-5%. So if you want to escalate to the next level, this is the ticket.

I am assembling the absolute top PPC experts in the world, bar none. At this conference you will network with people who manage hundreds of millions of dollars of traffic. The most innovative, cutting edge individuals in the business”.

Perry Marshall’s ‘Elite Master’s Summit – Maui 2011’, March 14-16, 2011

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