David Frey and Maruxa Murphy have announced ‘Twitter Masters Tele-Summit 2009’. According to David and Maruxa, ‘Twitter Masters Tele-Summit 2009’ will be held on May 25-29, 2009 and the panel of social marketing experts will teach about how to use Twitter for personal and professional advantages. [‘Twitter Masters Tele-Summit 2009’]

David Frey and Maruxa Murphy have announced ‘Twitter Masters Tele-Summit 2009’.

‘Twitter Masters Tele-Summit 2009’ Sales Letter

‘Twitter Masters Tele-Summit 2009’ sales letter title:

“Join Some of the World’s Most Successful Social

Marketing Experts As They Reveal How to Use the

Power of Twitter to Explode Your Business.”

More About ‘Twitter Masters Tele-Summit 2009’

‘Twitter Masters Tele-Summit 2009’ will be held on May 25-29, 2009 and the panel of social marketing experts will teach about how to use Twitter for personal and professional advantages. The panel of experts are Joel Comm, Dan Hollings, Warren Whitlock, Carrie Wilkerson, Kenneth Yu, Nancy Marmolejo, Paul Colligan, Scott Stratten, Chris Cree, Coach Deborah Micek, Scott Tousignant, Shama Hyder, Dana Willhoit, Jimmy Vee & Travis Miller and Bob Jenkins.

David and Maruxa say, “Our panel of Twitter experts will be able to break down exactly how to use Twitter to your advantage, both personally and professionally. They’ll be discussing the basics of what twitter is, the new lingo that you’ll need to know, and exactly how to leverage Twitter to get the results that you want to achieve. ”

‘Twitter Masters Tele-Summit 2009’

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