Yahoo! has added new tools in Yahoo! Toolbar and has released Yahoo! Toolbar IE version 6.3 and Yahoo! Toolbar Firefox 1.1.1.

Yahoo! has added new tools in Yahoo! Toolbar and has released Yahoo! Toolbar IE version 6.3 and Yahoo! Toolbar Firefox 1.1.1.

Alwin Chan and Jon Granrose, Yahoo! Toolbar Product Managers, have posted on Yahoo! Search Blog:

“On the IE front we’ve added support for tabbed browsing (yay!). The latest release (v 6.3) now includes the ability to use tabbed browsing from within Internet Explorer 5 and 6 so you can tab to your heart’s content in advance of the Internet Explorer 7 release.

On the Firefox side, we just released version 1.1.1 for all our supported counties. This improves a few things you’ve told us about with bookmarks, mail alerts, and Anti Spy, among other things”. [source]

To go to Yahoo! Toolbar for Internet Explorer, click here.

To go to Yahoo! Toolbar for Firefox, click here.





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