Mozilla Firefox has launched Firefox Flicks, an open source marketing campaign. Firefox is requesting its users to make video testimonials of their experiences with the browser.

Mozilla Firefox has launched Firefox Flicks, an open source marketing campaign.

Firefox Flicks is launched in two stages:

In the first stage, Firefox is requesting its users to make video testimonials of their experiences with the browser and submit it on the website. Users are able to use the tools on the website to record footage using their webcam or a digital camera on why they like Firefox.

In the second stage, Firefox Flicks Ad Contest, Firefox asks creative people to make an ad film on Firefox and submit it to the contest. The contest is expected to start in Mid-December. The best ads will be used in Firefox’s future ad campaigns.

Christopher Beard, VP of Products, said, “Our success has been driven by satisfied users letting other people know they are having a better Web experience with Firefox.

Firefox Flicks taps into the creative energy and enthusiasm of our community to tell the world in their own words why they love Firefox” [Source]

To submit a video testimonial on the Firefox Flicks site, click here.





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