KOTW has launched a video email, a new video solution. There is no need to download the streaming video and it is possible to send a video message and watch it directly.

KOTW has launched a video email, a new video solution. There is no need to download the streaming video and it is possible to send a video message and watch it directly.

Michael Murray, President of KOTW, said in the press release, “With our proprietary solution, advertisers can know exactly when, who, and how long their ads were watched, read or heard. We provide our clients with complete statistics which they can download for subsequent analysis. Everything they need to know to track the performance of their ad is available to them 24/7”. [source]

The KOTW site has published statistics related to online video viewing and has reported:

“The Facts of Internet Video

A recent study by the Online Publishers Association if 27,841 Internet users over age 13 reveals some interesting information:

51% of internet users indicated that they watch video online at least once a month, 27% watch at least once a week and five percent watch video online daily.” [click here]

To send a video email to yourself or your friend click here.





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