The U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation has approved the Spy Block Act. The bill addresses and bans all spyware and adware.

The U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, by unanimous consent, has approved the Spy Block Act. The bill addresses and bans all spyware and adware.

The Spy Block Act, S. 687, targets three main consumer threats:

Taking control of the user’s computer
Installing software that pop-up advertising out of context and
Unauthorised collection of personal information.

“The substitute prohibits personal information collection when the collection is not “clearly and conspicuously disclosed” or advertised as part of the software’s purpose.” [Source]

The bill addresses issues such as computer hijacking, spam, zombies, loop pop-up advertisements and unauthorized installation.

The Act also bans modem hijacking, which allows hackers to charge phonecalls to the victims and denial of service.

The bill gives the FTC and state attorney generals the authority to enforce the Spy Block Act.

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