Google has granted $107,112 for a research project. Rada Mihalcea, the recipient of the grant is conducting research on better ways of retrieving information from large documents.

Google has granted $107,112 for a research project. Rada Mihalcea, the recipient of the grant is conducting research on better ways of indexing and summarising large documents and retrieving information from them.

Google is scanning library books for Google Print. Rada Mihalcea is working on “automatic methods for extracting important information from books stored in electronic format. This could take the form of back-of-the-book indexes or succinct summaries, and could eventually lead to better ways of accessing the information in the books”. [source]

Google electronic data base will enable users to retrieve relevant information for specific keywords from books stored in libraries anywhere in the world. Mihalcea’s research project will improve Google’s information retrieval system.





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