The Anti-Phishing Working Group has spotted 5,259 phishing websites in August, highest number since October 2004.

The Anti-Phishing Working Group has spotted 5,259 phishing websites in August, highest number since October 2004. In July the number was 4564.

There is a decrease in the unique phishing email reports submitted to APWG in August, 13,776 reports in August and 14,135 reports in July.

The report also provides “a breakdown of the websites which were classified during August as hosting malicious code in the form of either a phishing-based keylogger or a Trojan downloader which downloads a keylogger”. [source]

The United States 40%
Brazil 15%
Spain 12.5%
China 7.82%

The others are Korea 3.9%, United Kingdom 3.6%, Russia 3.5%, Germany 1.5%, Romania 1.38% and Italy 1.38%.

Gmail users can report phishing emails by clicking on ‘more options’ displayed at the top of the email.

They can then select the “report phishing” option to report that email as a phishing mail. By doing this, that mail id will be marked for phishing and will be placed in the spam box. When the user opens such mails it will have a box alerting the user that this might be a phishing effort.

To read the complete “Phishing Activity Trends Report” Click here.

This report is in Pdf format. You will need Adobe Acrobat to read this report. To download a free acrobat reader click here.

To report phishing to Anti-Phishing Working Group write to





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