Product launching is as important and a serious thing as the product creation. The success of a product depends a lot on the way it is being introduced to the market.

The Entrepreneur magazine team has published a video featuring Laura Evarts on ‘Don’t Wait to Launch Until Your Product Is Perfect’.

Entrepreneur team says, “In this video from Entrepreneur Network partner Business Rockstars, Lauren Evarts, creator of The Skinny Confidential, talks about how entrepreneurs often let perfectionism get in the way. Evarts says in the video she wishes she launched The Skinny Confidential six months sooner.

Evarts also highlights the importance of figuring out your short- and long-term goals and putting systems in place to get there. She says, “A goal and a dream is cute. Passion is cute. How are you going to execute to get to where you want to be?””.

Don’t Wait to Launch Until Your Product Is Perfect


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