In 2016, Google’s Sundar Pichai announced that more than 20% of searches made with Google app on Android in the US are voice queries.

With increasing number of mobile devices this figure would have surely gone up. And so marketers need to adjust with the chancing search trends.

Econsultancy columnist Rebecca Sentance has shared four tips to help brands and marketers optimise for the voice search.

Sentance says, “Driving seems more like an activity for using voice commands than voice search (playing music, for example, or making a phone call) – but it’s quite easy to imagine a driver making a search for a local business, restaurant or petrol station while on the road.

Finally, we come to the how: if you’ve determined that your business would indeed benefit from optimising for voice search on mobile, what is the best way to go about it? Here are some tips to get you started.

How to optimise for mobile voice search: best practice tips

Use schema markup

Adding schema markup to your website helps Google identify the different elements of a page that might be relevant to a voice query, such as events, prices and opening hours. It’s also great for getting rich results like featured snippets, which can help you both rank for voice queries and also stand out on regular mobile and desktop search”.

The state of mobile voice search in 2018

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