Christopher Lester says, “After surviving the competitive holiday season, many marketers could use a break. Unfortunately, new challenges come with the turn of the calendar page.

Many people feel compelled to clean hypothetical house at the start of each new year—purging clutter, conquering unhealthy habits, and opting out of emails from the brands that crammed their inboxes in December.

So, how can modern marketers deal with this detox mode—and make sure their messages aren’t lost in the New Year’s clean sweep?

Here are three simple steps to connect with post-holiday email fatigued subscribers.

1. Show subscribers you’ve got more to offer than deals and discounts

If I’m paring down my subscription list after a major purchase or buying season, the brands that offer me valuable content along with their offers are much more likely to make the cut”.

How to Connect With Email-Fatigued Prospects in Three Simple Steps


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