Baer says, “At Convince & Convert we’ve been doing a lot of content marketing strategy work for B2B companies lately, and while every client circumstance is different (which is what makes consulting an interesting endeavor), I’ve definitely found some common themes and typical areas for improvement.

Here are 25 of the questions I’ve been asking to B2B companies about content marketing. Maybe some of these will make you think about your own content marketing program and opportunities to expand, enhance, and optimize it. I sprinkled throughout some of the tools we often use and recommend. I’ll work on a full tools blog post for early next year.

These are listed alphabetically, but I’d love to know which of these are most interesting and relevant to you, so please vote up the ones you like best on this Listly”.

25 Questions I Ask About B2B Content Marketing

Jay Baer’s ‘Convince & Convert’ Blog

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