The latest ‘Web Marketing Today’ blog post is titled “10 Steps to a B-to-B Pinterest Strategy”.

Kunle Campbell says, “Pinterest is irresistible to many marketers. With its image-focused content, Pinterest’s appeal to consumers is widespread. Many B-to-C companies (ecommerce companies in particular) have therefore found success working through Pinterest. But it also deserves to be a go-to channel for B-to-B marketers.

In this article I will discuss how to get the best out of Pinterest for B-to-B marketing.

Step 1: Research and Prepare

Use Pinterest to monitor what your target audience is already interested in. Check members’ boards, and don’t neglect checking up on your competitors’ boards, too. If they’re communicating to the same audience as you, they might be doing a few things right”.

10 Steps to a B-to-B Pinterest Strategy

Web Marketing Today

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