Many podcasts, product displays, ads and even editorial content on the web would be enhanced by cool music. Music Tracks for Marketers, by Phil Wilkinson, contains 101 original audio tracks you can use in your marketing.

These music tracks average about 1:40 in length. The shortest is 43 seconds. The longest is nearly 5 minutes. Styles vary, from reggae to rock to easy listening to jazz and more. Both upbeat tempos (musicians I know say “tempi”) and meditative, thoughtful melodies. You can find something in Music Tracks for Marketers for almost any use you have in mind.

There is such a wide variety in this collection that you can match something to any emotion you want to portray in an ad or other message. And, once you have them, they are completely royalty-free. Plus, your license permits you to resell them.

You can hear many samples here, and pick up a copy for your self or to resell here: Music Tracks for Marketers

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